Tag Archives: advertising

The Atrium brand

Finally we have an official name! On the wall. And we have an address. For all to see. This has been a somewhat challenging task to arrange for a number of reasons not the least of which has been the recent roadworks in Old Main Road. But it seems there is light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully soon we will have more signage to advertise the different practitioners and businesses that operate from The Atrium as well as additional signage on the M13. No more driving past and wondering if you’re at the right place.

outside signage

The roadworks are moving further down the road but thankfully they seem to be going quite quickly and our top soil is now being replaced on the verge. Plans are already afoot to introduce a beautiful indigenous verge that will welcome all our visitors and reflect the beauty of the Atrium Lifestyle Centre that many already know lies inside.

Please come and visit us and see what we have on offer. Now it is easy to find 10 Old Main Road in Gillitts! Thank you to everyone who helped in the planning, design, purchasing and display of our signage.